Saturday, February 9, 2013

A week of TEACHING

Somehow I ended up scheduling 5 days of teaching this week. So much for my idea of slowing down, but I do love to teach. MONDAY was my Family History Center class with about 15 students on Write Your Life Story. I demonstrated how to scan and insert photos into a document.

TUESDAY I taught Visual Stimulus for Poetry to my Dixie Chapter of Utah State Poetry Society at our local library with about 12 students.WEDNESDAY I helped judge Snow Canyon H.S. English Quest with prose entries-no teaching but interesting to network with other adult writers. THURSDAY I taught Sharing Photos for the Image Catchers Photo club. My notes are online, about 30 students at the Sunriver Community Center.

FRIDAY night and SATURDAY I taught Write Your Life Story class again at AHA! Artful Healing Academy in St. George with 2-3 students. The whole process from rough draft to editing to publishing. Then if was time for a peaceful non teaching Sabbath. Next week I'm back to my normal schedule of Monday teaching only. WHAT A WEEK! All my classes were free except for Friday and Saturday with three students. We had fun and accomplished a lot of writing and editing. Another class next month.

I also submitted a 8 class proposals to BYU's Family History and Genealogy Conference to teach at their conference in late August, would be paid $100/class. Won't know until late March if I'm selected. THAT WOULD BE FUN!! These are the classes I proposed: Writing Your Life Story, Rough Drafts-a Right Brain Approach, Editing, Publishing Tips, Let Your Voice be Heard-teaching tips, Fan Charts as a Missionary Tool, Create a Blog to Share Your Family History, and Adding Pizazz to Family Reunions.

What I most love about teaching is getting to know people better and sharing ideas.