Thursday, January 10, 2013

Art Journal WRITING

Continuing with my SOULCOLLAGE®Art Journaling class. The next step is to write about our collage cards using the phrase I AM ONE WHO... This is what I wrote for the left card: I AM ONE WHO...fears rejection and abandonment, but know I must let go and forgive. For the right card: I AM ONE WHO... has failed (in achieving some goals,) but never given up. I will learn from all life sends to me. Interesting insights coming as I'm dealing with my own issues. Give it a try-it's fun creative and healing. (Click to make cards larger and read the words on the collage.)

Another MONTH almost over...

APRIL was busy with lots of POETRY stuff, FAMILY CELEBRATIONS, DUP-Daughters of Utah Pioneers Convention and SPRING arriving.  Joint Poetry ...