Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Mouse in the House!

At nine o’clock last night we head to our comfy bed, tired.
A few minutes later we hear scratching noises
coming from our bathroom ceiling vent.
Wondering what that could possibly be,
hubby gets up to investigate and
determines it is "a mouse in the house."

Not an unusual occurrence for this time
of year as the evenings can get downright chilly.
How this creature found his way into our duct pipes
is beyond our imagination and how to get him out
is a problem that will take the resources of the
resident civil engineer now almost retired-my husband.

Well, hubby devises a box to attach to the ceiling vent
of our master bathroom because he can see
the mouse’s tail inside…clever plan but it requires
a tall ladder, a box and a flat lid to slide over the top
once the mouse is caught, plus an assistant-me.
So it’s out of bed and into a robe I go, to be helpful.

Several minutes later, the plan works as the mouse
falls into the box, but now what to do? Smash it?
Well my hubby doesn’t kill spiders or bees but only
releases them outside. So, as we are trying to look into
the box while hubby’s up on the ladder, the mouse jumps into
our master shower with its glass doors which we quickly shut.

Now we have a frantic little mouse running around inside
our walk-in shower until he discovers a large flower pot there.
Quickly the mouse jumps into the pot’s bottom vent and is trapped
as hubby seals that opening with duct tape-that is so useful!
Now it’s time to take the pot with the mouse inside outside
where it still resides waiting for the mouse to escape sometime.

In the meantime, today hubby is up checking out the attic
to see where the critter might have gotten in. Not a clue!