Tuesday, November 29, 2011

James and the Bean Stock

Written by my 9 year old grandson Nathan Hatch (photo on the right) ...his brother is named James (photo below on the left) and his mom is named Mom! Notice the original envelope below.

Once there was a boy named James and James had a mom. James mom told him to go in to town and sell the cow. On the way he meant a person. The person asked James if he could buy the cow. For some beans James said yes to the person. James gave him the cow for the beans. James went home and told his mom.

James mom thew the beans out the window. Then James and his mom ran outside. Then a bean stock came right out of the group. James asked his mom if he could climb it. His mom said yes. James climb it until he got to the top. At the top of the bean stock there was a big hous. James went in side the house . Inside the house there was a big table. James climb the table until he got to the top. At the top of the bean stock there was a big house. James went in side the house. Inside the house there was a big table. James climb the table until he got to the top of the table. He saw a big golden egg. He heard something say I sell something. It was a giant.

James grab the egg climb down the bean stock as fast as he could he the egg to his mom. You'er rich she said. AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER. THE END.