Thursday, November 10, 2011

Article #172 Advertising Claims

How truthful are commercials? If you “ask your doctor to prescribe this pill, it will help you with…” Fill in the blank. Next comes a list all the side effects to protect the pharmaceutical company from law suits that could happen if you take this miracle pill. I don’t think I’d want to be a doctor or other medical professional dealing with the public these days. Although I suppose we’ve always had the tonics and magic cures or portions available and sold by traveling salesmen in former days. (Photo of my widowed grandmother Johnson who was quite a role model for me.)

“Research has shown that…” Well, it seems to me studies can prove either side of any claim. This pill will cure this or that or not. The Atkin’s diet gives results while the Vegan diet doesn’t or vice versa. What is really true? Who do you believe. not to mention politicians. I won’t even go there as the TV shows broadcast ad naseum the perceived ins and outs of each presidential candidate’s beliefs or daily utterances.

Truth is sometimes lost in the translation to further causes, sell products, win elections, and influence our lifestyle. Barbie dolls with body tattoos? Little girls wearing sexy fashions? Where has our COMMON SENSE gone to? In our desire to fit in and be accepted in our modern society, too many youth are taking their own lives. It seems most adults are on pills prescribed for depression. A return to old fashioned values could be helpful as well as a slower pace of living.

We are a society wanting easy answers or solutions to our problems instantly while sometimes all that is needed is more honesty, hard work and lower expectations not competition between individuals. Is there a solution? Perhaps better education, training at home and good solid examples in our families would help. That’s where we as grandparents or aunts and uncles can come in. Interacting with our youth and families, can show them a better way. Wisdom comes with time, perhaps if you share some of your life’s experiences to help those who are following in your footsteps with different pressures and expectations. In a society that dwells on untruths and unreal models, a voice of reason is needed. My grandma had such a viewpoint.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A fashion model, NBA star are the norm rather than a loving family man or nurturing mom. We need families to return as a fulltime focus.