Sunday, May 16, 2010

Life's Lessons

I've been reading a new book that I ordered Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success. Just the title says so much. I guess you could say I'm a self help junkie-always looking for new ideas to improve myself and my relationships with family and friends.

Being HUMAN we all make mistakes and FAIL at times. That's the nature of life it seems. But one day we will all GRADUATE from this life and be held, I believe, ACCOUNTABLE for our learning from experiences on earth. Thus looking at the graduation photo above, I'm reminded that we are all students of EARTH LIFE 101 and FAMILY 101 whether we are single, married or divorced we are part of a human family which gives us a learning environment and challenges to overcome. And as one of my blogging friends Linda reminds me we are also here to ENJOY LIFE. We can have great joy as well as tests along the way. Each day is a PROCESS not a DESTINATION.