Monday, December 7, 2009

Heading Home

On the road home after starting on our journey
full of excitement never realizing how long and difficult
the trip will be. We are so young, just babies it seems.
Our world is small-parents, siblings and earthly home.
As we grow our universe expands further includes friends.

The journey looks long, never ending but we know little,
adulthood beckons after tumultuous teens-who are we?
why did we start this journey? are all questions with
answers yet to be discovered. Parents give us a road map
and advice, encourage us to find our own way. Then it's time
to leave our comfortable nest and learn to fly alone.
That's when we realize how easy our childhood journey
has been thus far, unknown life waits before us.

The future calls but no one warned us of ice packed
slippery roads ahead full of danger and necessary risks.
Some slow down and adjust to conditions, while others
speed ahead unaware of what could lie before them: slides
off the road into deep gullies or worse yet, a tragic useless
accident that could be avoided leaving us maimed or dead.

Seatbelts save lives binding us to safety if we use them,
but many don't--carelessness ends many journeys
needlessly with an early return to our primal beginnings.

Sometimes, it's clear sailing, no ice on the road, storms
have cleared, sunshine abounds as we go forward
towards our goals. That's if, we have any plans for life.
We are all on our trip home where we'll report on
the journey: what we've learned while traveling our God
given path and opportunity to live on this earth.