Friday, February 3, 2012

Interesting LIFE?

A woman in the temple the other day recognized me/my name
as the one who writes the weekly column for the Sr. Sampler.
She commented...You live an INTERESTING life. Somehow thats
shocked me since I never would have used that adjective for me.

So I got thinking what does an "interesting life" entail? Well
these adjectives came to my mind: different, exciting, amazing,
educational, stressful, sad, heart breaking, difficult, happy, growth
producing, challenging, creative, artistic opportunities-all of these.

Could we say everyone can lead that kind of life? If they stop to
examine themselves more closely? Well, some would disagree
and says their life is BORING. It doesn't have to be, there is a whole
world of adventure and creativity out there just waiting for you.

Performance of "Voices of Women" at the Heritage Writer's Guild.
l-r LaVerna, Caryn, Marilyn, Leah and me. It was interesting...
and I created the artistic posters for the program.


  1. Yes, she could have chosen a more specific adjective, for sure! And as far as "bored" people go, I used to tell my students that those who fuss about being bored are, in fact boring!

  2. Sometimes I just say my life is uneventful. Which to me is good. I love my life and the stage I am in. I keep busy enough with friends, family and church. I love the computer and family history so that also makes my life wonderful.

  3. I think you fill your life with so many interesting things to do. I love how you're always seeking ways to improve yourself and help others improve also.

  4. funny....I have appropriated time for the blogs, but limited And it's always just after Robert leaves for work (generally speaking). So this morning, wearing an old pair of glasses because my current ones (which also need to be replaced...the lens), when I looked at your entry, I read VOTES for Women. And the subtitles still apply for all the suffragettes.

  5. I think interesting is great...I think your life is boring if you find no joy or discovery in daily life..I try to find both...

  6. You instill great ideas and offer good suggestions. Keep it up!
