Sunday, March 27, 2011

Unexpected Visitor

I looked out on our back lawn and
all I could see was a circle of feathers
newly plucked from an unwilling victim
of a hawk or kestrel who was hungry.

I didn't see the sudden attack and death
of a small bird sitting on our lawn peacefully,
but the evidence was there as the larger bird
picked at the small carcass now de-feathered.

Eating with gusto and warily looking for
anyone wanting to disturb his dinner,
filled he finally flew away to a nearby wall
with the remains of his fresh meat capture.


  1. Nature is sometimes very sad, but apparently what happened in your yard is nature doing what it's supposed to do. I still feel sad for the victim.

  2. Poor little unsuspecting birdie. I hate it when that happens, but happen it must.

  3. Oh dear. But I guess as Linda said nature is doing what it is supposed to do. I do like the photo of the bird sitting on the wall.

  4. That kestrel (or hawk) is a beautiful bird. It's sad to see a cute bird killed, but unfortunately, the larger bird has to eat.

  5. Yup a raptor left the calling card and I wish I knew which kind that is.. but I am not good with hawks yet...
