In my Artist's Way class, we made collages the other day. How fun to look through old magazines and cut or tear out images or words that resonated with us to make a VISION BOARD where we will list our GOALS. You learn so much about yourself from this exercise-just taking the time to examine what it is that you like or aspire to. Then pasting it all together and examining it to explain to the class is a real MIND OPENER. I've done it many times in the past and each time I learn more about me.
Our sweet instructor Mary who does such a great job teaching us.
Here we are looking through old magazines.
Sharon's finding lots of stuff she likes.
Here's my finished poster, click to see it bigger. I love the southwest beauty and genealogy. My goals in the center are: explore digital photography, work on my self image, develop a business plan for marketing my books, plant some flowers, and eat healthier. It's already working-I went and got a perm and haircut yesterday.
Bonnie is a gifted artist who shares freely of her talents with others.