Monday, December 14, 2009


Is part of life...will it snow or rain?
Then it's sunny and warm oh yes!
Will the baby come today or not
until tomorrow or later-probably.

Life is full of unknowns that perplex
humans who like to carefully schedule.
Somethings happen serendipitiously,
if you like surprises then you'll like LIFE.

Good times follow bad times then
sudden difficult challenges are forgotten
by wonderful blessings that come out
of nowhere. Life is constantly changing.


  1. I've seen so many times that good things do follow bad. It's just a matter of waiting and believing, isn't it?

  2. I find this really encouraging, Lin. Thank you.

  3. Changes in life do take place...sometimes good ,sometimes long as families are together and holding their faith firmly in God.Thanks for your motivating and inspiring words.

  4. I've always felt that life is a balance. If things are going too well, I wait for something to happen that will balance it out. If things are bad, I wait for the scale to shift soon, too.

  5. My husband is the type who is always waiting for the other shoe to fall and I try not to.. No point....
