Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Writer's WORDshop

I meet twice a month with this fun group of talented women who are trying to become better writers. This next week's lesson (Caryn-Writing the Natural Way, p. 162) is on metaphors in our writing. A metaphor is an image connected to something that literally cannot be. See if you can figure out my metaphor in this free verse. Send me your metaphors and I'll post them or put them in a comment.

What am I?

Wanting to fly freely
Yet grounded by fears
Wary, watchful, wondering
What will happen next

Do I dare venture out
Sitting here on my high perch
Is it safe or will you
Try to capture me

Want me to be your prisoner
Or will you free me to
Fly away to new places
And exciting experiences 

Will we create a nest together
Mate and raise our young ones
Teaching them to fly freely
Of will I just sit here…wanting to fly


  1. This is my very favorite thing you've ever written. I think I'm going to print a copy and soak in it for a while. It touched my core. I relate!
    I don't understand all the technique and technicality of writing (or any of it for that matter) so I can only guess what a metaphore is and how it works. Heck... I don't even know what free verse is. But, I do understand that flying is not something that we can literally do on our own... Is that it?

    Anyway... I truly appreciated the beautifully written and expressive words from your spirit and your pen. Thanks!

    AND... thanks for the book. I'm enjoying it A LOT!!, and trying to absorb the information. I'm so NOT a detail person. Maybe that's why education has eluded me.

  2. Well, I think it's a metaphor of a bird comparing that to a human's life. Glad you enjoyed it and connected with it. I think we are alike in many ways, my friend.
