Monday, February 18, 2008


Monday a new beginning to a new week
Each hour could have that same special feeling
Part of a whole day, but when taken apart into minutes
There are more opportunites that can be imagined

Serendipity, where will life take us if we let it
Planning it doesn’t always seem to take us
Where we want to go and eliminates the surprise
Of discovery, creative powers can become deadened

Till we just sit around and wonder what have
We done with the minutes of our life up to now
Floated through each day and its situations
As gracefully as possible or with as little injury

Or discomfort that our actions could demand
Life is not a formula or is it, some think
It’s a mistake or an accident, a few fish
Crawled onto land and then evolved into man

Others feel there is a divine plan of progression
Organized with daily experiences or lessons
To teach and test us as we interact with others
What do you believe, life goes on with or without purpose