Friday, February 8, 2008

My first son

Frank was born today many years ago in Provo Utah while his Dad and I were teaching dance at BYU. I taught until the day before he was born and then returned to teaching two weeks later. Would love to be in that good shape today. We were thrilled to welcome our first child into our family, not knowing that he would be the first of many sons to come. Named after his father and with his mother’s maiden name as his middle name. In the photo below, l-r grandfather Frank C, great grandfather Frank S, father Frank W and son Frank V taken in Scipio, Utah. He became the fourth Frank starting with his great grandfather.

Frank now has a son also named Frank Hakan, so there are now five generations. I’m proud of Frank. He is a physical therapist and lives with his wife Nedret and son in the Southwest. Happy Birthday!

Here's four generations on my side, l-r the new mom-me, grandmother Evelyn, great grandmother Alda holding son FV.