Wednesday, October 4, 2017


You never know what each day will bring. Last week one of my molars in the back of my mouth that is covered by a crown started to ache. Well, come to find out it is infected and needs professional help. More than my regular dentist provides, so it was time to make an appointment with a root canal specialist.... today was the day. I kept telling myself "You can do this..." And I did. Really liked my doctor who happens to be a graduate of my alma mater BYU and has a sense of humor. He's also fast and in no time at all, he had numbed my tooth and went to work without removing my crown, while I watched HGTV with earphones. Boy, does that help to keep your mind off what happening and the doctor saying this will pinch a little as he numbs your jaw. Afterwards I had a crooked smile but I was alive! Will come back in two months to finish it up. Modern technologies are great and I still have all my teeth mostly filled with root canals and crowns. Tomorrow will be easier.