Friday, January 15, 2016

Relief Society Activity Day

Our RS presidency (l-r) 2nd Counselor Diane, Pres. Cathy and myself-1st counselor
Winter snowmen was the decor theme for our activity
Amazing all the fun figurines that our sisters brought to display
Each table had its own unique decoration on cotton snow as we have no snow here.
Can't remember when was the last time I made a snowman-its been years and years
Our president used to be a cleaning lady and gave a demo.            
Our music peole with Diane who was in charge of our activity
We had a speaker talk about the Dove Center for abused women and how we could help
We spend a lot of time visiting and eating-had a hot chilcken salad, grapes and croissant
We have more than a 100 women in our service group but only 35 came this day.
Held in our cultural hall which is overflow for our chapel behind the gray screen doors
We made some homemade valentines to put with our gifts for the Dove Center .