Sunday, October 7, 2012

Life's LESSONS learned...

My post yesterday was about the FINAL GRADUATION and I decided it would be interesting to blog about five major lessons I've learned from life so far in my 73 years. Wow, that sounds old, but I'm hoping I still have many more years of learning to go.

Here are five major lessons:

1. Life is about coming to KNOW YOURSELF BETTER-your strengths and weaknesses.
2. Relationships take TWO with both of you working to make it happen whether in a marriage, family connections or friendships.
3. Happiness is directly tied to GRATITUDE and having fewer EXPECTATIONS.
4. GOD exists and there is a PURPOSE to life.
5. FORGIVENESS of self and others who hurt you is absolutely necessary.

Now tell me five things you'e learned so far. Thanks in advance for risking.