Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Changing Moods

The holidays certainly bring lots of opportunities for
mood changes...expectations vs. reality traps many of us.
To react or to act is the question-this year I chose to act
to do something different, to spend the holiday with "just hubby."

Free from problems of snowy or icy roads while traveling,
peace and quiet in familiar surrounding. Though I missed
interacting with loved ones, I was with my "one and only."
Time open to choose what to do or not to do, and no stress.

Extended families can be filled with miscommunications,
no matter the age of the individuals involved. It's not easy
to interact as a brother, sister, parent, grandparent or in laws.
Sometimes space can bring healing and less problems.

Meet Smiley-my gift to me. I connect with his changing positions.
He sits next to my makeup table so while I'm putting myself together,
we smile at each other...lol! A great way to start the day.
Read this article for some good advice for your future self.