Sunday, July 3, 2011

Walk a 5K Race?

I'm toying with the idea of walking a 5K race
tomorrow on the Fourth of July locally.
My friend Wanda suggested it to me and
my first thought was...I CAN'T DO THAT!

Then my second thought was...WHY NOT?
I walk every morning about 1 mile and then
go to water aerobics class, I'm trying to lose
weight and get in better condition, but yet.

I have fears of wearing out my knees, hips
or feet. Well, I decided to TRAIN for it so yesterday
hubby and I were up at 6:30 am in the coolness,
off to do a three mile neighborhood walk.

I DID IT, though tired after returning, I'm elated.
The thought comes...maybe I'm NOT pushing
myself enough, just cause I'm 70 now, almost 71
doesn't mean I am OVER THE HILL and finished!