Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fill in the BLANKS

Just for fun, try this-leave your answers in a comment:

1. I would really like to _________________.
2. My biggest fear is of ___________________.
3. If I could live my life over again, I would __________________.
4. My greatest accomplishment in life so far is _________________.
5. My most difficult challenge has been ____________________.
6. The greatest gift I've ever been given is ___________________.
7. The happiest time I can remember is ______________________.
8. My advice to my posterity is ____________________.
9. My most exotic vacation ___________.
10. Where I'd like to travel _________.

My Answers:
1. Have ALL my posterity together for a reunion.
2. I fear being misunderstood and rejected.
3. Laugh more.
4. My family
5. Surviving divorce
6. Life and free agency to act
7. When I was dancing at BYU
8. Enjoy life, don't sweat the small stuff
9. To Iceland in August 2011
10 To New Zealand and Australia