Thursday, February 3, 2011


Oops---I missed blogging about groundhog day
but I have seen that movie once too many times.
It is funny yet irritating, just like life is quite often:
repetitive, annonying, frustrating-full of challenges.
A blogger friend yesterday mentioned unfinished projects.
Wow, I think I could fill up several lists on that topic.
Let's see: two books published, but needing promoting;
another new book finished, but not published yet...
Future plans formulating in my mind, waiting to be done;
relationships needing my attention and time to improve;
exercises not increased as pounds want to join my body;
fun times not explored because of the cold weather about.
BUT balancing all the unfinished projects are those completed.
So I guess life corrects itself as you keep striving to improve.
It's called the YING-YANG effect. Maybe some old projects aren't
worth the effort when new ones come to take their place.

What unfinished projects are facing you?