Saturday, February 26, 2011

Landscape Report

Well the dry creek bed took two days to be finished. After the first day I was near tears as it looked terrible, but that's before the dirt came to build up the contours of the dry creek bed-what a difference that made. Then the rocks were so ugly until the landscaper came and washed them off. They were dirty and certainly looked better once they had had their bath. Then a spraying of clear shellac brought out hidden colors. Here's some photos below of the finished project and the before photo-click here. Now for a little warm weather so the plants can start to grow and it will be gorgeous then there's the other side of the yard. Oops-just found out our memosa tree has bores and will have to be replaced. It's the skinny tree below. Oh no!

Just starting the work of making a dry creek bed.

The finished project is here with new plants and lots of bigger rocks.

It will looks so cool when the plants come to life and there are leaves on trees.

Ta dah!