Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Process of Making a Book

1. First comes the idea, then the ROUGH DRAFT-getting the idea down on paper.
2. Somewhere during the process, it's important to see what else is out there. Does this book need to be written or has it already been covered by someone else? Especially for non-fiction subjects, you DON'T want to DUPLICATE what's there, unless you have a different angle.
3. It helps IF you have a publisher interested and waiting for your manuscript BUT usually that's not the case. I did present my idea in September to Covenant Publishing who are located in Utah. They were interested in seeing my finished manuscript! Well, I don't have a one yet but they are waiting and "looking forward to seeing my book." Usually you write, then send off queries to agents and publishers to try to interest them in your "baby."
4. WRITE-WRITE-WRITE, try not to edit too much-just get something down to work with first. The idea will evolve as you write and you can edit later what you've written.
5. PRAY for inspiration and direction. TALK with others about the subject for support and additional information. Line up some readers to give you feedback when the rough draft is finished.
6. Don't worry about illustrations till the manuscript is done.
7. The title too will evolve. I'm down to "Family Home Evenings for Empty Nesters and Singles" at the moment.
8. Discipline yourself to stay FOCUSED, yet take time for other PRIORITIES like FAMILY, rest, exercise, proper diet, etc.
10. EDIT, EDIT, EDIT. It can only get better. "LESS IS MORE." Now you can submit it to a publisher if they want it in this format or just the first three chapters usually.
11. Add ILLUSTRATIONS, cleanup final formating details.
12. SUBMIT to publishers or SELF PUBLISH.
13. Next comes the hardest part-MARKETING...