Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm not ready for winter

I'm glad it's still FALL in my part of the world. The temperature is falling and it's cooling off but NO FROST yet. MY BOOK project is in its FINAL EDIT-all 65 pages. This week I will send the final manuscript in a digital format to the publisher, then hold my breath and hope he likes it. What a lot of work, but it does look good.

I'll take a photo of the worksheets to show how they look. (There are 52 total-one for each week of the year.) On the left are ideas for the meeting, an agenda, suggested songs from our hymnbook, more talks or scriptures to study plus suggestions for FUTURE LESSONS on the same topic. On the right column is a handout that can be duplicated and passed out to the members of the group to get their involvement with answering questions on the topic, then discuss them as a group. The handouts will be available on an accompanying CD. The book is called FAMILY HOME EVENINGS for EMPTY NESTERS and SINGLES. Below are some of the resources published by our Church for having family home evenings that I am using.

Our church reserves MONDAY EVENINGS for families to get together for an hour or two, sing songs, have a short lesson then refreshments and sometimes play a game together or have an activity. But when you retire or if you had no children or are a single adult, you're an EMPTY NESTER so you probably miss out on this fun night of spiritual, social and physical refreshment. Hence the need for my book. My lessons are grouped under these topics: Gospel Teachings, Family History, Self Improvement, Relationships and Provident Living.