Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sorting Through the PAST

Well, I'm in a major overhaul of my home office
all because I need more room for special projects.
I'm returning to an old hobby-CARD MAKING but
don't want to make a mess on my dining table.

Then I got the bright idea to move out my file
cabinets, two big ones filled with miscellaneous
junk clear back to my college days at BYU-50
years ago. You won't believe what I've saved.

Notes from philosophy classes, library science
graduate work notes, religion lectures, handouts
on food storage, knitting, weaving, stained glass
almost every hobby I've ever tried and that's lots.

But you can't keep hoarding all that stuff thinking
that someday it will come in handy. I know what
will happen to it on my demise-someone in my
family will dump it directly into the garbage bin.

So I've decided to sort through and weed my stuff
now and see if any of it is worth keeping. As I sort,
memories float back of all the varied experiences
I've had, old journals, thoughts and poetry surface.

It's like a treasure hunt, memories from my life.
I can't take it with me, only what I've gleaned along
the way and actually put into use. I chuckle as I read
my entries of raising teens to hopes for happiness.