Thursday, September 9, 2010


Ah, still working on sorting and weeding my files
into a more manageable amount so I can move in
another desk in my computer room with drawers
and emptiness on top to work on new projects.

I've been taking some cardmaking classes and
love it-it's so creative and artsy. Figured out I
can use some of my poetry for verses for cards
thus using all my talents to share with others.

I'm always buying cards at the store to give
to others for birthdays or special occasions
when I could be making them myself so NOW
I am going to do that as soon as I clean up the mess!

It's not quite done yet and I'm looking for other places to decorate
in the room with my hubby's Texas stuff, but I've told him he can use
the desk too. I hope to get organized-have a place for everything.
It will take some time+effort to get it all together but it's exciting.

(Photo above of cards I made last night at a workshop.)