Sunday, September 19, 2010

League of Utah Writers Conference

I'm in Salt Lake City near the airport for our annual League of Utah Writers Roundup Conference. A fun time to immerse myself in classes on how to write better, publish, etc. I'll also be meeting with an agent and a local publisher-Deseret Books to see IF I can interest them in any of my publications. A long shot, but something I've never done before so I decided to give it a try! There's no PROGRESS without RISKING...

Last year I won a prize for my poem IT for Wordsmith Award for most humorous. This year I only submitted for two categories and I tied for first prize in: Journalism Portfolio-a collection of all my writings for the past two years including my work as editor for the Heritage Writers Newsletter-18 issues, my weekly column LOOKING BACK... for the Sr. Sampler-108 issues, various magazine articles: 10 for Desert Saints, 2 in US Archery, 1 almost in Ensign-that's another story, and my online sites including my blog (you are there) and my family history website. Sometimes I've felt like a writing machine-which isn't all bad but very releasing and creative. The other category I entered was Prose for Tweens ages 9-12-my entry was my then unpublished book NATURE NOTES for KIDS-animal poetry for kids, a new attempt and genre for me. I even won money 2nd prize and $75 for my kids book. Fun times
The real test of any kid's book, my grandson James looks at Nature Notes. He looks a little like a raccoon cause he fell and got stitches across his nose. Typical!