Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Choices and Trials

"God knew just what He was doing when He placed us in these mortal bodies so prone to pain, and in this environment so likely to thrust us into affliction and trials...I see over and over—that the tough times are most likely to disclose life’s meaning and bring us closest to each other and to the Lord...All that really matters in the end is what kind of person we become because of the way we choose to respond to our trials—whether we turn in and shrivel, or reach up to the Heavens for help...We can choose to grow through our losses and develop more substance of character, or we can choose to be diminished by them, or we can choose to become a soggy mess.” ("Silver Linings" by Darla Isackson, Meridian Magazine online-Sep 10, 2010

As I (Lin) have been sorting through so many old notes, journals, etc. from the past, I've been amazed at my life (and everyone else's) as we each have our own struggles and trials to face. Many try to do it alone while others turn in faith to their God for comfort, inspiration and direction. I can't imagine trying to do it alone, though I do know that family and friends can help us, To tap into the powers of Heaven has always brought peace to my soul and comfort to my mind as I've tried to ACT and not REACT to a trying situation, that same process continues today. (My sunset photo above.)