Friday, April 30, 2010


Growing older and hopefully wiser

Ready to take on the world

Always a new adventure

Don't you just love the

Unknown waiting

Ahead, a time of

Testing and trials are

In store for the new graduate

Opportunities to apply his training

New vistas to open up just for him

CONGRATULATIONS to my son JEFFREY who graduates today from UVU with his Bachelors degree in International Business Management with a minor in Japanese. GOOD LUCK with graduate school at Thunderbird College and with your new responsibilities as a husband and father. I salute your accomplishments.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thoughts to PONDER

There's a column in the local Deseret News written by Jerry Johnston that usually has some interesting comments. From last weekend's column entitled Ideally speaking, here's some items that gave me food for thought:

1. Any relationship is under the control of the person who cares the least. I always forget that and feel that IF I expend enough effort I can build communication with those family members who are estranged BUT guess what. It doesn't work. They have to want to improve the relationship also and some don't.

2. Only bad things happen quickly. Such as accidents or illnesses. Good things take time, effort and prayer which tests our patience.

3. EXPERIENCE offers the best ADVICE. Regardless of how much we want our children to follow our advice-they won't, but will have to learn for themselves the hard way.

4. We are afraid of the wrong things. The voices inside our head are more to be feared than the imaginary rejections and snubs we create from others.

5. Received wisdom never stays with us. Wisdom gained from experience never goes away. Relates to #3.

6. No body likes to be told what to do. Mental health requires freedom of choice. That becomes the battleground when raising teens or children of any age. Teaching, molding, influencing them is not easy. I'm so happy I'm not a 24/7 mother anymore. But the empty nest is lonely sometimes. Also found out the challenges of being a grandmother and mother-in-law. It's a learning experience. Better to hold your tongue most of the time and NOT give any advice unless asked. Lol!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Visiting Grandkids

Out to dinner with my son Daniel and wife Tina at Thanksgiving Pt.

On the road again visiting family in Utah Valley. Here's the grandkids:

Nathan in his sporty straw hat!

James shows off his green bedroom.

Having fun together James and Grandma Lin

Twin Emilee enjoys pink colors in her bedroom.

Heather's room is painted purple and colorful.

Off to Church together with the family.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Enjoy a Talent

So what is your talent? Something that you enjoy doing and that expresses something that is uniquely you. It could be music, dancing, sewing, cooking, mothering, writing, etc. There is no end to the list. A creative outlet! While visiting my cousin Doug in California, I discovered he still loves music and playing his saxaphone. He's done this since he was in 6th grade even playing in a band in the air force during his military service. Now he continues to play because it relaxes him and he enjoys it. Here's a photo of my cousin playing for us a private jazz concert.

My talent right now that I'm pursuing is writing. Above is a photo of my friend Leah and myself at the Utah State Poetry Society this past weekend in Salt Lake City. (Sorry the photo is blurred.) We listened to poetry being read and received instruction from an accomplished poet who teaches in Texas-Lance Larson. These are some suggestions he gave about improving our writing of poetry:

1. Read, seek best writers to emulate as you find your own style.
2. Write daily or at least regularly.
3. Let writing lead you ask a question or explore the unknown.
4. Revise your writings into elegance.
5. Fall in love with the world and take notes-there are ideas everywhere.
6. Immerse yourself in other disciplines-they will enrich your artistic outlook.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Article #98 Adjustments

I remember my mom, just before I was to be married, asking me if I knew about IT. Of course I told her I knew. That greatly relieved her as my mom had been brought up when you didn’t mention certain words in public. I suppose some parents felt it was better not being prepared for these momentous occasions than facing the discomfort of talking about IT openly. So, I never had the “birds and bees” talk with my mom just like she never had that talk with her mom. Somehow, we were supposed to face that first wedding night with no preparation at all. (Photo of my BYU graduation with my paternal grandparents.)

Did pioneers or our parents have less adjustment in their marriages than we do? Perhaps, women knew their role, they were the homemakers and nurturers. The men knew they were to provide the living and protect their family. I know there were less divorces in that era. In fact divorce was something that hardly anyone ever mentioned, let alone did. That’s not to say that there weren’t lots of adjustments to be made for both partners in a new marriage.

Few modern day couples would think of getting married and moving into a small rented apartment. Most couples want a large apartment or their own condo complete with all new appliances, nice furniture and at least two bedrooms not to mention a washer and dryer. Contrast this with pioneer newlyweds who were happy to start married life in a tent while the husband fell trees to build a cozy one room log home which could one day be expanded to two rooms when the 8-10 children she would bear came into the world. Outhouses and indoor plumbing were luxuries not even imagined in those days.

But forward to the future, modern couples wouldn’t think of taking their laundry to a laundromat nowadays. We as newlyweds lived in a one bedroom rented apartment with no washer or dryer, and had to make the weekly trip to wash and dry our dirty duds. We struggled with a limited income and strapped finances, which included only one car that was not brand new. We never ate out but instead discovered recipes without end using hamburger, and how to save money by mixing your milk with powdered milk. Then came the biggest adjustment of all when after a year of marriage, I discovered that I was pregnant. (Photo of a pioneer home that would have been considered a mansion and housed a very large family.)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Las Vegas Drive By

It's a cell phone tower disguised to look like a palm tree-pretty funny looking.

Lots of high tower condos for sale for a million or two for a weekend getaway, if you're rich!

No need to go to New York City, it's here in Las Vegas, California in the middle of the desert.

Disneyland or King Authur's castle, everything is here-even the eiffel tower and Venice canals.

Not to mention a pyramid from Egypt that you can sleep it. It's a hotel and casino.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Across Nevada again

We've made several circles in our recent trips across and around New Mexico on our way to Texas and back. This trip west we drove across Northern Nevada then down California's center and across So. Nevada by Las Vegas to get to our home in St. George Utah. Notice the green hillsides everywhere in California.

We passed row after row of almond trees, grape vineyards and vegetables growing already in the mild climate. Below is a photo of some of a wind farm by Tehachipi, California near the Mohave Desert. There were hundreds of them turning in the strong wind that seems to blow most of the time.

Almost to Las Vegas and our home is only two more driving hours from there. HURRAH!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Leaving California

We traveled through central California where there are lots of farms and ranches that grow much of the food we all eat.

Loved the spring flowers this time of year from all the rain. California was no exception. Beautiful yellow poppies are the state flower of California and grow along side the freeway along with these other gorgeous purple flowers.

Doug and Mimi had some gorgeous flowers in their back yard in Concord surrounding their outdoor pool. The day we arrive it was warm and sunny but that was soon replaced by California rain and wind and it was cold.

We certainly enjoyed our short stay in California and all the family we were able to visit. Doug above is the son of Gladys who lives in nearby Sacramento. For years Doug and Mimi have commuted to their jobs in San Francisco from Concord with the Bart and by car. The traffic is terrific but now they are retired and enjoying the good life together.