Thursday, September 11, 2008

Patriot Day-fly your flag

September 11, 2001

A day of horror, shock filled the land of freedom
skies were slowly emptied of all airline traffic
foreign terrorists had cunningly crashed two planes
into the World Trade's twin towers in New York City
thousands of people were killed in the fiery explosions
disbelief sweep the land as we watched our fellowmen
jump to their death, fireman perished doing their duty 
trying to save others, crowds panicked, normal life stopped

We all waited silently for more surprise attacks
was this the end of the world, Armageddon
in our country, watching tv scenes filled
with violence and panic, our souls grieved as one,
prayers were offered for lives lost, loved ones missing
normal lives disrupted by hatred’s revenge
life as we knew it would not continue the same
fear ruled as terror blanketed our land of America