Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Been eating Dove dark chocolates-just one a day...I bought dark ones cause my husband likes them so much. I love the milk chocolates-lighter chocolates, but if I buy those ones I eat too many. Anyway, this saying was inside the one I ate....Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. That's an interesting statement, if you substitute the word mistakes are for failure is, it makes more sense. 

Isn't that how we learn? We do something and it doesn't work so we try a different approach. I know I did that lots in child rearing. So glad those days are over. I love to celebrate my successes in that area of my life and try to learn from my mistakes. Another saying that has helped me over the years comes from an LDS church leader Boyd K. Packer...if you keep trying you haven't failed. Life is a learning experience. That how we gain wisdom, the hard way...(photo of me as a young mother with my first son Frank who is now in his forties, married and raising a son.)