Monday, June 16, 2008

New Word

Learned this from my son who is still in India till the end of the month. Asked him to send me a photo of him there and he said MEH. Not knowing what that was I googled it and found this: '

It's not that e-mail, blogs, IM-ing, message boards, and texting have spawned a litter of brand-new interjections. (I don't count emoticons because you can't utter them, and I don't count acronyms like LOL and CU because they represent phrases with grammatical standing.) Rather, they have given lots of marginal ones, like awwa, a spelled-out form and thus a major shot in the arm. A personal favorite is MEH, which (of course) has no definition in the OED but 173* separate ones on, including: A random word when people either don't know what to say, don't care, can't answer a question or are too drunk to form a coherent english phrase." Meh—which can also be used as an adjective, e.g., "I felt kind of MEH about the whole thing.

So there you have a new word to use but you'll probably have to explain it after you use it.