Saturday, March 8, 2008

Parenting or Love 101

Romantic love, platonic love, family love, unconditional love…love makes the world go round and makes it worthwhile living. Our parents lead the way showering us with love before we are even born then raising and teaching us in love, hopefully showing us an example of love that never wavers. Parents who are always there for us through our disappointments, mistakes, failures and even sometimes disobedient teenage years. Parents who we really take for granted until we become a parent and realize all the labor, patience and dedication required 24/7 to care for just one little baby.

Then add some siblings and it becomes more complicated as there are more relationships within the family to develop. Jealousies, disagreements and misunderstandings will arise from time to time. Parents take upon themselves the role of disciplinarian and judge at times but always with unconditional love. Probably the most challenging time as a parent is during the teen years when your child suddenly has a mind of their own and no longer looks to you as the all knowing one with answers but challenges and questions your beliefs, actions and attempts to discipline them. What happens when your child rebels against all that you stand for? That’s the real test of parenting giving the whole process time and continuing to express unconditional love and a listening ear.

Too soon the empty nest years are here and all the tremendous time and effort to teach your child to be an adult are now tested as they go out on their own to work, go to college, get married or other activities. Hopefully the parent hasn’t given all their life’s energies to developing a child into an adult but has taken time along the way to develop their own interests, hobbies, talents and friends so the empty nest years are more enjoyable.

Then come the grandchildren as your children repeat all the lessons you had to learn as a parent about love and patience. How to get the baby back to sleep when they wake up, how to be calm as you are entering the emergency room for the second time in the same month with a crying child to have stitches again, and other necessary duties like cleaning up innumerable messes, washing load after load of clothes, cooking meal after meal, attending practices, games, school conferences, plays, etc. etc. etc. But it's all worth it and part of the life course called Parenting or Love 101.