Thursday, November 8, 2007


Well, my friend Susy Hatch challenged others on her blog to read a book, an autobiography of a football coach. Well, not being a sports fan, I resisted; but then she offered a prize and I thought that's an easy prize to win. Since I have only won two other prizes in my whole life: one a portable tv set as a high school talent show winner for doing a ballet solo, and the other as a retired adult at a genealogy workshop for a $50 gift certificate at my favorite local furniture I got the book and am reading it. Here's some notes from it so far.

Wins, Losses and Lessons by Lou Holtz

1. It’s not what you have it’s who you have (family, friends, etc.)

a. Can’t perform under pressure without preparation
b. Momentum is nothing more than attitude
c. Ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity
d. Success ends but being significant continues
e. I knew God, my family loved me
f. WIN What’s important now-then do it
g. Don’t let others down by quitting, do the right thing, respect authority
h. A kind word turneth away wrath
i. Learning can take place, only when you want to learn

2. Success is a choice you make

a. Everyone has someone to thank for what he/she has for their personal sacrifices so you could be successful
b. Take criticism as a challenge to prove others wrong
c. People take an interest in those who are interested in them
d. If you’re going to do something, do it to the best of your ability, if you’re not going to be the best you can be, why even try.
e. Be wary of the intoxicating power of success to forget your values
f. Life is a series of choices that determine how successful we become

3. First impressions have lasting results

a. You can’t let someone else determine your happiness, only you are responsible for your feelings
b. Appearances matter, so make yours a good one
c. Terrible setbacks can be the greatest things that ever happen to you

4. A day without learning is a day without living

a. Most important decisions: relationship with God, who to marry, where to liv, career, kind of example you set
b. Important to be truthful with yourself and others no matter whose feelings you might offend
c. Successful people adapt to change, even thrive on it, while those who dread it and resist change, have trouble
d. Work isn’t work when you love what you are doing
e. List things you want to do as a parent, person, religiously, professionally, financially, personally for excitement

5. Setback don’t define your goals, you do

a. Nothing focuses the mind like crises
b. Players/people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care
c. Trials build character and help you define your priorities
d. Internal rewards, one you gain from pain, sweat, tears will stick with you
e. People perform to the level expected

6. Greatness starts with belief that you can do it and total commitment, achievements require great sacrifices

7. Leading is easy when people want to be led

a. Authority comes with the job, you earn respect by proving yourself a leader
b. A team filled with players who believe in one another and who believe they can win who are willing to work hard and do the things necessary to become successful, that is a winning team regardless of their record

This is not even half of the book but hopefully will wet your appetite to read it all...thanks again Susy