Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Letters from Lin

So why do I need a BLOG? To make an impression on the world and leave some thoughts and ideas spinning in the universe, to have a place to publish my poems and ramblings. Will give it a try....


  1. Hooray! Lin! This is such a fun thing to do...and so therapeutic. I will check back every day...as well as send this site to my kids. Jocelyn will be thrilled to know you write poetry, as she does. Hurry and post something fast!

  2. I still have two of the three small carved figures you gave me after your European dance tour circa 1965...1964? They are some of my treasures. Lots of memories are attached to them. Robert Hatch

  3. well robert and susy...too bad the years and distances kept us from interacting more. it was 1964 the year i married your brother frank. i can't remeber what the figurines were. that was 43 years ago, doesn't life go by fast....
