Monday, September 22, 2008

Become an Observer

(Photo of me as a single parent with my paternal grandmother.)

I think by writing your own story or just writing down your emotions about your life, it puts you in the role as an OBSERVER. A certain detachment comes as you look at your written words and feel their impact from a distance. A more rational outlook is possible as you consider yourself as the main character in your life's story. There are so many possibilities for reacting to any situations. As my widowed maternal grandmother always commented. if life gives you lemons make lemonade. Don't just stand there and something positive.

You can learn and grow from any situation, be it unfaithfulness of a companion, rebellion of a teenager or just everyday pressures we put on ourselves to be perfect. Life is an educational journey. As we interact with others, we learn so much about human nature and behavior. We learn more about ourselves and how we react and adjust to trials, temptations, and stumbling blocks that come in our way. For those who can draw on the strength of prayer, there is comforting influence that comes that can guide you in new paths and opportunities for happiness ahead. Never give up, never give up, never give up, said Churchill during WWII. You have not given up, if you keep trying to live each day despite the setbacks.

Then there are loving friends and family members who also have their own trials who will listen with understanding and care for us. We can extend that same acceptance and compassion to them as we each stumble along learning as we go. Hand in hand we journey together.


  1. I have always kept a journal for years and I can see the changes. And I have always told my daughter that you don't know who you really are until things get tough. Then you find out what you are made of and who your friends really are..

    You are a wonderful teacher Lin

  2. You are right about differing challenges and problems, Lin. I was married at 19 and although we are still together (40 years), there have been a few trials along the way. We have been fortunate that our trials pale in comparison so those of some we know. Maybe our big ones are yet to come.

  3. It is indeed a comfort to know that there is always a hand waiting to take your hand and lift you over the next hurdle.

    My hurdles have mostly been speed bumps. Although often they seem to have been placed at a blind corner or in a tunnel. I've greatly appreciated friends, like Lin, who have stood near and talked me through the darkness or to the unseen landscape around the bend in the road.

    I'm still working on my personal history. I have snatches written in a journal, and a dozen or more pages of a draft. It's proven to be more difficult than I thought it would be. But... I shall NOT quit! Okey dokey, Lin?

  4. the problem I have with sharing is that my very best friends will really help and I am not good at letting go.

  5. Ummm..."Become an Observer?!" What a way to think about it. I never thought about it like that. You certainly have a knack for putting things in perspective. I'll remember to become an observer.
