Saturday, June 7, 2008

It's Saturday

soon time for my Saturday night bath...ha ha ha. Actually if I don't have a shower each evening before bed I don't sleep soundly. So that's probably why I wouldn't enjoy camping any more or make a good pioneer. We have so much in our day and age that we take for granted like dishwashers, washing machines and dryers, microwaves, cars, tvs, vcrs, computers, dvds, etc. The list goes on, being able to go to the grocery store to buy our food, the mall to buy shoes or clothing, having gas for our cars even if it costs a lot. 

What a bunch of sissies we are, if we ever had to do without electricity or gas. Let's hope that doesn't happen but in the meantime we need to have some food storage and water set aside for emergency times. A little extra faith in prayers will come in handy also as we face the unknown future and any tests that could come our way. We are all in this life together to extend a hand of friendship and support to each other along our journey.

It's MAY DAY again!

Celebrating LABOR UNIONS today, but how about all the MOTHERS who are the original labor unions throughout history and in all species. Love ...