Monday, May 25, 2020


I miss not continuing our family tradition of visiting family gravesites and decorating with flowers. Was so happy to hear that my son Daniel took some of his family to visit local cemeteries in their area. I live too far away to make it yearly now and also we elderly people are still quarantined. Won't be too many years until we can graduate from this life's experiences and be with our love ones departed so long ago some of them. My dad died 75 years ago and my mom 13 years ago. My maternal grandmother in 1967 and my paternal grandfather in 1975 and my other grandmother in 1988. I remember my grandparents well but my grand children never knew them except for the twins below and their great grandma Nana.

My mother Evelyn + her twin grand daughters Heather and Emilee now 22 yrs old