Monday, April 30, 2018


Spending lots of time home, relaxing in my recliner recuperating from my fall while outside a female hummingbird is building a nest on our outside patio fan which turns slightly in the wind. It's fun watching this event take place and learning more about the process. According to the internet-the source of all wisdom and knowledge, the hummingbirds mate then the female makes the nest prior to laying her eggs and in 5-6 weeks they will hatch. This isn't our first hummingbird family to nest in this exact place. See

It's quite the process to make the nest with many trips required to bring materials in her beak to build a foundation to stick to the chosen spot then add to the nest with found materials including spider webbing which allows the nest to expand with the eggs and babies growing. I love how she sits in the nest and works on the outside of the nest adding height to it and volume.