Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Returning home to UTAH through Idaho and Nevada

Talk about a quick trip 1200 miles in three days. That's eight hours a day. Hubby was the driver, I enjoyed the scenery plus a few naps and the opportunity to talk about future dreams of a summer place away from the heat of St. George. Thought we'd found the right place in Orofino, Idaho but someone else put an offer down before we even got there to see the place. So, will try again in Spring after the threat of winter snow is over.

Snake River in our rear view window
Storm coming and it was cold and windy

Houses on top of cliffs looking down at the Snake River
I imagine it's very windy up there overlooking the fields below
Some green growth but most everything has stopped awaiting winter
Heading home on our third day of constant travel
Beautiful sunrise
Peaceful fields with cattle grazing
Back to Nevada with its snow covered mountain ranges
Never ending roads in Nevada but with little traffic