Well, I used to blog daily, now I'm lucky if it's once a week now although I'm writing more on FACEBOOK. Guess that's okay-unless it causes me STRESS. That's when your mind is on overload with all there is to do BUT I have DISCOVERED a CURE for that, it's called MORNING PAGES. Created by Julia Cameron in her earliest book The Artist's Way, I've kind of used it for years now, but called it journaling.
In the purest sense Morning Pages are done in the morning, by hand not on the computer like my journaling is and done at one sitting. Getting up in the morning, it's the first thing I try to do, go to my desk, take out my journal and write THREE PAGES of random thoughts down freely without thinking about grammar, spelling, etc. Just writing daily about anything or nothing just to
loosen up and relax yourself of all the many items whirling around in your head...
We all have them: to do lists, guilt feelings, naggings, and self criticisms. LIFE! Just the process of taking pencil in hand, helps you to SLOW DOWN and FOCUS MORE. TRY IT, YOU'LL BE AMAZED. Write quickly and freely, don't reread what you've written, just let it be for now.