Well coming home my stomach felt uneasy
but what could I do waiting at the airport
for my forty minute flight...not board the flight?
Luckily for me, the seat next to me was empty
because before our plane left the ground,
I was upchucking my lovely Sunday dinner.
Prepared, I had plastic bag in hand which came
in handy over and over again. By the time I
arrived at my destination, I felt terrible and weak.
So I asked for a wheelchair to get me through
the lobby. Imagine my husband's surprise
when I was pushed up to the front door.
Twenty-four hour flu is my only conclusion
since no one else who ate dinner got sick.
Thankful to be home, out of the public eye.
Now two days later, I'm still not quite the same.
But happy for normal days with no upchucking
while cruising at 35,000 feet in the air.
With sore muscles in my side as a memory,
eating food as a welcome activity is slowly
returning as I regain taken for granted days.