Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Southern Quill Reception

Each year for the past five years, I've submitted poems to Dixie State University's student literary publication entitled the Southern Quill. It's open to residents residing in Utah, and it's been fun to be honored with other local poets to have our poems selected and published. For the last two years, I've also submitted photos.

Happy poets: l-r Marie Tollstrup, Lin Floyd and Marleen Bussma
(not attending: Barbara Funke, Marilyn Ball, and Betty Vickers)
Cover of DSU's Southern Quill 2015

ZION’s Dance
by Lin Vernon Floyd

Canyon winds whisper softly.
            Stars speak through the night.
                   Constellations sing into the sky.

The song of peace is in the silence of leaves.
            Oneness with the sleeping land
                        comforts our earthly dreams.

Beauty hidden by darkness shouts
            in loud bold brightness
                        as daylight delights the senses.

Grandeur never imagined, huge rock pillars
            rise tall in majestic glory,
                        formed by an unseen hand.

Serenity accompanies exploration,
            God’s playground…a symphony
                        of dust, wind and water.

Layer after layer join hands in a timeless dance.

Layers of Solitude-taken at sunset from Pine Valley, Utah