Friday, August 1, 2014


Good bye to hot July with three digit temps!
Welcome to cooler August with monsoons.
Still summer, still hot, but we're moving towards favorite season of harvest and rest.

Soon we'll all COMPLAIN of the cold,
but for now it's distress with humid heat
that constantly bakes everything dry
as we rush through air conditioned days.

Lamenting the weather is our daily pattern
despite the season...whether it's cold
or hot or infrequently rainy or freezing.
We act like SPOILED little children.

Never realizing that opposition is LIFE.
Part of this needed earthly experience
teaching patience, hope and long suffering
as we push through each day's rush.

Too soon, it's all over as DEATH awaits
each...the final farewell to heat, discomfort,
earthly experiences to be found in each day.
Then, we'll long for those complaining times.