Good news-Amazon just deposited $31.87 in my checking account for sales of 11 electronic copies of my e-book DISCOVER YOUR VOICE AFTER DIVORCE for Kindle from the following countries: India, United Kingdom, Denmark, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and Australia. Amazing how that happens without the author being aware as people throughout the world via the Internet download my book for $5.99 then Amazon pays about 70% of that money into my account. If you are interested in looking at my book-check it out
I also sell from my home a printed version which is easier to use as a Writing Workbook for Healing and Recovery. It costs $15 plus $5 postage. Mail me a check for that amount and I'll get you a book via US mail. Email me at lin at sunrivertoday dot com for details. Review of my book by
Amy Freeman.