Saturday, November 16, 2013

E-BOOK in process

What a process to make an e-book. It sounded so easy. I even hired someone to do it for me but IF you have images in your book, it becomes quite complicated because you can't save all your formatting. Viewers of your book can enlarge the font to make it easier to read, so that changes everything. I eliminated most of the images except for chapter headings. Struggling for many days and hours, I now know lots about e-book publishing.

My e-book is now AVAILABLE to purchase or preview for $5.99 to download to your reader from More info later on that. The print copy is still available for $15 from the author-ME plus $5 for postage. The future is in e-books. Check out Kindle Digital Publishers for more info. It's connected to Not sure that libraries and book stores are going to survive this new process. And I changed my cover, I think it looks more professional. They have this cover program that you can play around with-lots of creative fun!

DESCRIPTION of my book: This is a writing workbook for healing and recovery after divorce. Rediscover your authentic or real voice after this major trauma in your life. Lin Floyd will share with the reader the journey of self-discovery that comes from expressing emotions verbally. Having experienced this process by candidly journaling about her feelings after her divorce, she refines the process of grieving after loss or betrayal for both women and men. Take the challenge to write honestly about your life through guided questions. Enjoy Floyd’s original free verse poetry as she invites you to heal. Don't miss this opportunity. Try your hand at discovering your voice. Begin a joyful, creative life filled with renewed hope after divorce.