Sunday, April 7, 2013


Time to start OVER with my exercise plan
I did so well in the PAST with water aerobics
in the summer and walking DAILY then...
my knee started to ACHE, so I stopped.

Sometimes it's EASIER to quit than start again.
It takes determination to OVERCOME lack of
energy, but I DID IT! Attended my second
seated Arthritis class and ENJOYED moving.

I'm even going to ADD a stretch class next week
on Tuesdays and Thursdays to EASE back into
the outdoor POOL. With my exercise class on MWF
that will be almost DAILY exertion on my part.

Hurrah, PROGRESS is coming. My body can
feel it and HOPEFULLY my gained weight will
disappear AGAIN. Life is a process of recycling
that takes continual determination and EFFORT!

It's MAY DAY again!

Celebrating LABOR UNIONS today, but how about all the MOTHERS who are the original labor unions throughout history and in all species. Love ...