Sunday, March 3, 2013

Do we BULLY ourselves?

Lately in the news there is so much discussion of bullies. The thought came to me one early morning when I couldn't we bully ourselves? By allowing and encouraging negative thoughts/voices in our mind, I believe we are doing this. We would never say outloud the criticisms of ourself that slip into our everyday thinking. Our friends would be few and far between if we treated others as we treat ourself sometimes.


Why does she put herself down
criticism for past actions and faults
long repented of and forsaken
in God’s eyes? Unearthing them again
and again to re-experience the despair
when she easily as a master teacher
builds and encourages struggling others.

It’s the opposition in all things, the ying
yang of life that drains our strength as
we try to press forward ever onward
with perfection as our goal, but shortcomings
as our guides. Only faith and forgiveness
of self will see us through to the goal
and love of our Heavenly Parent on high.

Can we bully ourselves? YES!