Sunday, March 10, 2013

Article #235 No Regrets

            Doubts and misgivings seem to be normal when you look back at your life during the empty nest years. Regrets that…you didn’t do this or that. Wishing that you’d known what you know now, then you would have made different decisions about: schooling, career, choice of spouse, where to live, retirement plans, etc. The list is endless of what you’d change. Although, few would want to go back and relive life without the wisdom and understanding that you’ve acquired through overcoming the trials and challenges of life.
            Perhaps you need have no regrets, only gratitude for the lessons learned. There’s only one chance at living here. Wasting time focused on the past or what ifs, will get you nowhere fast. Life is a learning experience. Each mistake teaches you something.
         Is life rushing by you as fast as it is for me? I can see the months turning into years then decades too quickly as I rush through each busy day. Today my hubby was so pleased at lunch when I fixed his favorite food––pizza, that he said, I'm going to miss you when I’m gone. 
          That brought a laugh from me. I realize that I’m going to miss him when he’s gone, too. His wry sense of humor, little courtesies he shows me like opening the car door for me to get in and out, etc. Although I could easily open my own doors, I’ve trained myself to slow down and allow him to be a gentleman. He’s always there for me with love, steadfastness and integrity.            
         Do I have regrets? No. Although perhaps there’s one––that I could live with more gratitude daily for simple blessings. Here’s a poem I wrote about regrets:
It was an unexpected visitor,
I opened the door unknowingly.
Coming in quickly and quietly, 
it spread throughout the room. 

I realized too late what had happened,
as regrets multiplied. 
Unable to move, letting the reality
of the moment settle;
drowning in despair, I could not 
break loose from its grip. 

Struggling only increased its
tentacles around my heart
till I thought I would burst.
A muffled scream escaped my lips:
Why me, it's just not fair
I didn't ask for this or want it.
My life was so carefully planne
and then this happened. WHY?
NEXT TIME: Simplify