Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Don't you love it when happy little accidents occur in your life. When you meet special people and feel an instant friendship like you've known this person for a long time. Well, I'm working on my new book Discover Your Voice After Divorce workbook, and felt like I needed some one with therapy experience with divorced individuals to assist me. So, who should I meet at church but a new member just moved into our area who is a retired therapist also divorced and remarried again with a wealth of experience to share and TIME! So we met yesterday and brainstormed for 2.5 hours on ideas and format. What a blessing and now I have a new friend CAROLYN. I wrote her a poem below. Now when my friend CARYN returns later this month, I will have a team in place to help me with this project. Caryn brings a new perspective not ever divorced and many creative ideas on hooking the reader.

Caring for others
Articulate with self-help techniques
Retired therapist
Open minded and accepting
Loving and interested in serving others
Young at heart
New fresh ideas